Did you know Cardamom is not just a spice?
Over the years due to it’s many health benefits it has been commonly used in traditional medicine. It is most commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine to treat mouth ulcers, digestive problems and even depression. Use it to combat nausea, acidity, bloating, gas, heartburn, loss of appetite, constipation and much more. This spice helps the body eliminate waste through the kidneys.
Treasured Gifts from India
Planning for a trip to India often begins months in advance. But once we are there in India regardless of being a returning expatriate or a tourist, it is a rushed and often haphazard affair shopping for gifts for family and friends in the USA.
India is famous for handicrafts and handloom goods, the varieties are dazzling. But there is only limited baggage allowance that your gifts which have to share space with your own personal belongings. If you happen to be like my husband who gets very confused while buying gifts, here are some ideas that are sure to please.
Golden Life
Get Your Senior Lifetime National Parks Pass Now!
The price for the Senior Pass (previously called the Golden Age Passport) will increase from $10 (set in 1994) to $80 later this year (2017). You are eligible to purchase a Senior Pass if you are US citizen or permanent resident age 62 or older.
6 Fun Ideas for Memorial Day Weekend in the SF Bay Area, 2017
Whenever we hear about Memorial Day, the 3 day long weekend comes to mind straightaway. We start making our plans for the long break and are so happy and excited that we often forget the reason behind celebrating Memorial Day.
Don’t Miss Out on The Great Moments of Your Life
This is graduation month and a time for a celebration with the whole family!
A newly met acquaintance shared this story. Her niece graduated from Medical School last week. As traditionally done, she could have nominated a family member (who is also a doctor) to perform the hooding ceremony instead of the Dean of the school. Since she had been inspired by her grandfather, now a retired physician, to become a medical doctor it would have been such a joy for him to perform the hooding.
Smart Traveler Bearing Gifts from USA
Hello everyone!
A family trip back home to visit family and friends always gets me jumping with excitement. Part of the fun is bringing back interesting gifts from America to delight them. Let me share my go to list with you.